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Is this domain name for sale?

We are asked often whether the or domain names are for sale. The short answer is: no.

If you won't take no for an answer you may submit an offer, in writing, to:
ARES Software, Inc.
Finance Dept., Attn.: Josephine
33 Chipman Avenue
Melrose, MA 02176-1202
Your offer will be submitted to Management within a reasonable amount of time (typically within a month).

Any emails or phone calls on this subject will be ignored or dismissed.

Be sure to include:

  • The full name and address of the entity (company or individual) making the offer
  • What purpose the domain name would be used for
  • How long the offer is valid for
  • Detailed contact information for a response.
We may disregard or not respond to any offer that does not match these criteria.
The Management